14 Rabi-Al-Awal 1446 AH   17 Sep 2024 AD 12:31 a.m. Karbala
Current Events
Religion… Why?
Is Religion One?

{ The call for the "Oneness" of Allah has not, one day, been a monopoly of one religion without another, for all heavenly religions which were enacted by prophets ...}


2018-12-08 933

Entire Control of the "universe… The model proof of all systems

{On having a look at the computer as a system which is made up of a number of intricate tiny items with highly accurate studied functions, the human mind can arbitrarily j...}


2018-12-08 876

Access to Allah…as many as creatures' breaths

{ Ultimately, the answer is clear…for everything in existence is a proof which guides to Allah, the Almighty. There should have been an Originator to all the detai...}


2018-12-08 987

Allah …Why?

{ Mental Existence The first among the constant and clear-cut mental rules is: "Every effect" is to be preceded by a "cause." So, building on this criterion: every...}


2018-12-08 936

Religion is a human necessity

{No man on earth can live without having a faith in some belief even those who have no belief in any religion at all, they, in the unconscious world, have developed a cert...}


2018-12-08 916

Religion is a Civilized Phenomenon

{Religion is an "Intellectual Renaissance" which picks up man from the world of gloomy ignorance and transfers him to the bright world of culture, knowledge and perfection...}


2018-12-08 751

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