20 Muharram 1446 AH   27 Jul 2024 AD 10:05 a.m. Karbala
Current Events
Quranic Stories
Stories from the Quran

{ The noble Quran has dealt, in the folds of its Surahs, with a number of different topics among them are: legislations rituals, ethics, beliefs, Quranic stories and...}


2019-02-04 972

The Story of "Joseph" the Prophet of Allah (P.B.U.H.)

{ Jacob, the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) the father of Joseph, (P.B.U.H.) has got many children, amongst them 11 sons before Raheal who is the mother of Joseph and Penjamin ...}


2018-12-24 972

The Companions of the Cave A Story

{ It is a story whose events go round the latest part of the first century A.D. at which the new Christian religion in Rome started spreading at slow paces and thr...}


2018-12-24 1653

The Quranic Stories

{ The holy Quran has touched upon a number of diverse subjects within its different chapters such as: legislations, rituals, ethics and creed as well as Quranic tale...}


2018-12-24 1028

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