Islam Moralities
Avoid Disobedience and Injustice
{ Rebellion means refusal to obey the teachings and orders of the Imam whose obedience is obligatory and fight him, too. There are many examples on rebellion again...}
2018-12-27 835
Avoid Falsehood
{ Falsehood, in fact, means telling a lie which denotes the state of not telling the truth; in other words, it means telling of a thing opposite of what it ...}
2018-12-27 731
Avoid Backbiting and Slander
{ Definition of backbiting: It is the remembrance of the Muslim in his absence of what he hates to be mentioned about and if he turns out to be not possess...}
2018-12-27 934
Purifying the Heart and the Tongue
{ The cleanness and purity of man's body to which Islam has paid great attention by saying Get clean as Islam does)and on it lies soundness of the worshipping acts ...}
2018-12-27 829
Respecting the Faith of Others
{ Mankind along the ages and times have embraced numerous religion and creeds some of which are heavenly which have come through messengers and prophets, and some ...}
2018-12-27 901
{ Compassion, linguistically, means showing sentiments of sympathy, leniency, mercy and tenderness in business transactions, daily life dealings with one another w...}
2018-12-27 489