20 Muharram 1446 AH   27 Jul 2024 AD 3:59 p.m. Karbala
Current Events
To Whom Should Al-Khums Be Given?

{ In our present time which is known as the time of disappearance, that is to say: the disappearance of Imam Al-Mahdi (May Allah hasten his honorable reappearance) ...}


2019-04-08 1763

What Items Are Included in Al-Khums?

{ Al-Khums is compulsory in a number of cases as in the following: 1. War-booties: are meant: portable and importable goods, buildings and assets which are gained ...}


2019-04-05 649

Al-Khums… the Origin and the Guide (the Proof)

{ The governments of the world impose on their peoples and their establishments large amounts of money under the title of "tax" or income taxation. Every governmen...}


2019-04-05 786

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