| Religion… Why? | Entire Control of the "universe… The model proof of all systems
Entire Control of the "universe… The model proof of all systems
On having a look at the computer as
a system which is made up of a number of intricate tiny items with
highly accurate studied functions, the human mind can arbitrarily
judge that there is a wise "doer' and a specialized "engineer"
behind the manufacturing of it and it is impossible after that to
believe that the device has made itself by itself."
The same thing is to be said about
the heavens and the earth and what there lies in between them of
big and small creatures…everything from the galaxy down to the atom
… every tiny particle of the universe is composed in accord with
the highest degree of accuracy, manipulation and
The modern scientific discoveries
reveal the details of this creativity as long as time goes forward
and thus human knowledge has developed – all that, is due to the
existence of a manipulator and a wise regulator and that is Allah
to whom be ascribed all glory and perfection and the human mind
vigorously forsakes the acceptance of the idea which believes that
everything in the universe has come by chance.
The universe demands a Creator
who seeks no help from others,
whatever they are?
(The proof of its
Verily, the thought that " matter"
creates itself by itself is a false belief for investigation has
come to tell us that everything in the universe has not come out of
vacuum or something eternal but as a result of a "cause" and the
necessity of "matter" to be existed by help of another depends on
the existence of an eternal party for this matter.
So, if someone says: "Nature is the source
which has created everything in the universe, he will ultimately be
collided with the following question: "Who has then founded this
As we have already remarked that
man's mind asserts the necessity of existence of a "cause" for
every "effect" or as some use the term: "reason and result" and
this can be applied on the whole of the universe for there should
be an end to the series of recognizing the necessity of existence
of every
"cause" for the whole existing
objects or phenomena in the universe or what is so-called in the
science of speech: "The world is absolutely in need of a "Creator"
that is, He, Himself is beforehand to be "existent" "without an
outer cause" and that His existence is not bound by the existence
of something else and that attribute or characteristic cannot be
inherent except in Allah, the Almighty.
All the things are in urgent need
of another and this series of poverty extends till it stops at
Allah's Court of Justice where He needs none of the world to be
existent to be of help to Him.
Entity Existence
Man feels the existence of his
Creator in himself; for the deeper looks into it, the faster he
closes his eyes and listens to the beatings of his heart and the
blood flows in his veins; so, after all: he asks himself the
following question: Who controls this sudden simultaneous
movement after realizing the impossibility of imposing his control
over the flowing stream of blood in the veins which knows no limit
to what he realizes, nor makes him feel at ease?
Undoubtedly, there is a hidden
power behind all that!
Yes, it is Allah!
Man's feeling becomes stronger in
the existence of Allah when he finds himself fallen in deep
In another situation, man discovers
the fact of Allah's existence when he finds himself entangled in a
critical maze, especially when he gets on board the
When the ship gets to be amidst surging waves
of the ocean waters, there will blow storming winds through which
Allah's wrath reaches its peak and the sweeping waves start gulping
everything they come across at those crucial, decisive moments on
man where there is no life-boat or ferry nor swimming can do and no
way at all to escape from Allah's wrath.
So, at this crucial juncture, he, with an
honest heart invokes Allah to redeem him by His boundless unknown
power which is the only thing in which he faithfully believes to be
the means of his salvation.
That potentiality only belongs to
Allah, which has revealed itself via the existence of man and his